Team Manitoba wins 19 medals at the 2021 Skills Canada Virtual National Competition!

Congratulations to Team Manitoba who competed in the 2021 Skills Canada Virtual National Competition!

Given our unique “covid’  circumstances, Manitoba students did exceptionally well.

The 27 high school, college and young apprentices took to the podium and claimed 5 gold, 8 silver and 6 bronze for a total of 19 medals!.

The students earned the right to represent Manitoba at the Skills Canada Virtual National Competition by earning a gold medal in their respective trade or technology area at the Skills Manitoba Competition – Virtual Edition held from April 5 – 16, 2021.

Congratulations to all members of Team Manitoba!  They represented their province well!

For a complete list of 2021 medalists, please refer to the Competitions link on this website and click on Skills Canada National Winners.

Great jobs...Great future!

“The experience of working in a trade you love is unmatched by anything. Thanks to Skills Canada I’ve met amazing and inspiring people who have forever changed my life.”

Marcela Sanchez

Provincial Pastry Arts and National Culinary Arts Competitor

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