Major Change to Provincial and Canadian Competition Rule

Please be aware that the 2023 Skills Canada Competition rules are posted on this website under “Competitions,” “Skills Canada National Competition.”
Please note one of the major changes;
5.3.3 Competitor Citizenship
Canadian citizens ,permanent residents (landed immigrants), protected persons and international
students have the right to compete at the SCNC. MOs registering competitors are responsible for
verifying this information.

This change will also be applied immediately to the 2023 Skills Manitoba Competition.

Great jobs...Great future!

“Being my own boss had always been a dream of mine. The confidence and belief in myself that Skills Manitoba instilled, helped turn that dream into reality.”

Ingrid Wieler

Skills Manitoba Board Director and co-founder/president of the Skills Manitoba Alumni Association, serving as the Manitoba Lead on the National Alumni Committee.

See what alumni have to say...