Team Manitoba Wins 19 Medals at the 2016 Skills Canada National Competition!

A Manitoba delegation of over 100 cheered “TOBA, TOBA” as high school, college, and young apprentices took to the podium claiming 4 Gold, 9 Silver and 6 Bronze medals at the Olympic-style Skills Canada National Competition held in Moncton, New Brunswick on June 5 – 8, 2016.

The 61 member team earned the right to represent Manitoba at the Skills Canada National Competition by earning a gold medal in their respective trade or technology area at the Provincial Skills Competition held on April 14, 2016.

Amazing and truly spectacular news; Team Manitoba will have 3 competitors who are eligible to compete at the World Skills Competition in Abu Dhabi in 2017. They have an opportunity to be part of Team Canada!
The competitors are;
Ashley Weber – Car Painting – Manitoba Apprentice – Red River College – Fall 2016
Silas Meeches – CNC Machining – Red River College
Travis Skorupski – Industrial Mechanic Millwright – Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology

Congratulations as well to Darren Place and Benton Sookram – TV/Video Production, for winning the Best of Region Award for Manitoba!

Congratulations to all members of Team Manitoba. They represented their province well!

For a complete list of 2016 medalists, please refer to the Skills Canada National Competition link on this website and click on Medal Winners.

Great jobs...Great future!

“The experience of working in a trade you love is unmatched by anything. Thanks to Skills Canada I’ve met amazing and inspiring people who have forever changed my life.”

Marcela Sanchez

Provincial Pastry Arts and National Culinary Arts Competitor

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