2024 Skills Manitoba Competition Results

The 26th Annual Olympic-style Skills Manitoba Competition was held on Thursday, April 11, 2024 at Red River College Polytech. It was an amazing display of hands-on expertise, talent and determination that showcased the diversity of skilled trades and technology and the many promising futures to be found in these occupations. Students competed in over 40 different contests and the gold medal winners will form Team Manitoba and compete against their peers at the Skills Canada National Competition to be held in Quebec City on May 29 – June 1,  2024!

In 2024, over 500 students from across Manitoba participated in the one day competition supported by over 300 volunteers representing education, industry and labour.

For a complete list of 2024 medalists, please refer to the Skills Manitoba Competition link on this website and click on Skills Manitoba Competition Winners.

Great jobs...Great future!

“Being my own boss had always been a dream of mine. The confidence and belief in myself that Skills Manitoba instilled, helped turn that dream into reality.”

Ingrid Wieler

Skills Manitoba Board Director and co-founder/president of the Skills Manitoba Alumni Association, serving as the Manitoba Lead on the National Alumni Committee.

See what alumni have to say...