2021 Skills Manitoba Competition – Virtual Edition

We are pleased to inform everyone that we WILL be running the Skills Manitoba Competition – Virtual Edition in 2021!
The Virtual Competition will be held between April 5 – 16, 2021.
We are in the midst of working with our hardworking Provincial Technical Committee members to determine which contests will be running and hope to have that information available very soon along with the Contest Descriptions and Registration form on our website.
Please note that the Gold Medalists from Manitoba will be invited to compete at the 2021 Skills Canada National Competition which will be held virtually at the beginning of June 2021. Dates to be announced!

Great jobs...Great future!

“By choosing a skilled trade you never get stuck at a job, you’re constantly progressing. There are always things to learn – new software, new tools, new challenges in your everyday tasks.”

Silas Meeches

NC Programmer, Magellan Aerospace

See what alumni have to say...