2010 Canadian Skills Competiton

A Manitoba delegation of just over 100 cheered “TOBA, TOBA” as 26 high school, college, and young apprentices took to the podium claiming 2 gold, 11 silver and 6 bronze medals at the Olympic-style Canadian Skills Competition held in Waterloo, Ontario on May 20 – 23, 2010.

The 63 member team earned the right to represent Manitoba at the Canadian Skills Competition by earning a gold medal in their respective trade or technology area at the Provincial Skills Competition.

Congratulations to all Team Manitoba participants. They represented their province well.

For a complete list of 2010 medalists, please refer to the Canadian Skills Competition link on this website and click on Medal Winners.

Great jobs...Great future!

“Find a trade or technology that you enjoy, give it your best and power through to get the satisfaction of a job well done.”

Jordon Enns

Carpenter, Robert Penner Construction

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